Price Comparison
Starbucks Monthly Coffee:
One Tall Mocha Skim Milk Latte Cappuccino (5 days a week) = $70.00
Cost of New Installation (If Floors Not Properly Maintained):
1000 Square Fee (Average Total Cost) = $20,000.00
Averaged Monthly Over Three Years = $555.00
San Diego Stone Care Services (Prices are Estimated)
Cleaning: $1,000
Sealing: $1,000
Polishing: $1,000
Average Monthly Cost (Over Three Years): $64.00
What’s Our Point?
Our point is this: Stone, Tile & Grout (especially natural stone) is a product that needs to be cared for and properly maintained if you want to avoid replacing it prematurely. Yes, it usually costs more than we expect … however, when put into perspective (Monthly & Yearly Cost of Maintenance Compared to Replacement) it is quite a value – especially since properly maintained floors, counters & showers ADD VALUE to your home investment.